The Literary Garden Calendar

The Literary Garden Calendar

Edited by Julia Bachstein
Garden, calendar
weekly wall calender

56 pp with colour photos

Numerous writers were passionate gardeners, and many of them wrote about their affection for flowers, trees, gardens and parks: fascinated and in awe, lovingly or advice-seeking, but always with plenty of enthusiasm: »Nothing in this world has such a soothing effect as gardening: this physical activity that envelops your spirit und strenghtens your deltaoid.«
Charles Dudley Warner

THE LITERARY GARDEN CALENDER is a collection of weekly quotes by famous writers about gardening in the practical as well as in the literary sense, interspersed with wonderfully illustrated photographs by Marion Nickig


»Anyone enjoying lovingly designed calendars and having a passion for nature will be enthusiastic about this literary calendar. (...) A great gift which you would wish to keep for yourself.«
Der Leipziger Gartenfreund