Elsemarie Maletzke: A Biography of The Brontës

Elsemarie Maletzke
A Biography of The Brontës


560pp with 80 illustrations. Revised

Elsemarie Maletzke‘s biography DAS LEBEN DER BRONTËS already is a classic, since it was first published ten years ago. It is now completely revised and updated with the latest researches - for the first time lavishly illustrated as well.

Rights sold

previously published/rights reverted
paperbacks - Insel, Random House/btb

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»With this Bronte-Biography Elsemarie Maletzke has given us one of the most readable, humane and with all tristesse most amusing books of the year.«

»With a clear head and a warm heart, with a sense for yesterdays world in nowadays style has Elsemarie Maletzke expressed her love for the most unusual poets of the last century.«

»Elsemarie Maletzke has put profound research where others speculate.«
Radio Bremen

»A most remarkable story-teller.«

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